Replacement rules

🛑Replacement only if the account has not been modified by the buyer.🔊
🕐 Accounts are checked immediately after purchase. The time to check and request a replacement is limited to 3 days after purchase. Report to support @fbfarmpro (09:00-19:00 gmt+3) immediately if you have any problems.🕐
🔴 A replacement is required to provide :
- Reason for Substitution.
- Screenshot.
- Original file provided by the store.
💬 Support has the full right to refuse a replacement if the customer:
-Made a request for a replacement after 3 days after purchasing the account.
⛔️Do not check purchased accounts with public checker, public proxies, otherwise they can be blocked! ⛔️
❌Received merchandise cannot be returned, replacement only with accounts.
❗️Purchase as much as you can use in the near future.
❗️Buy accounts only if you know how to use them!
🚫In case you get blocked while farming, this is not grounds for replacement!
⚠️In the event that your mail is bundled in a blocked account, this is not grounds for a replacement Facebook account.
⚠️In case you linked a card in billing and got a lock, that's not grounds for replacing the account.
⚠️ If your account is blocked after creating a fanpage, business manager, this is not grounds for replacement. (This is often a trigger for an account on new iron).
❗️ Farming an account means any action on the account.
⚠️ If you can't create a business manager on a Facebook account, that's not a reason to replace the account.
If you have linked business manager to your account and for some reason Facebook does not let you fully work with business manager (link advertising accounts there, etc., write to Facebook technical support) - this is not the reason for account replacement.